The stage with very various tasks finished. Preventions of organizers about keeping constant attention concentration came true. The stage which quickly began for our crews was saturated.
Sergey Kupriyanov, pilot of the crew 404: "The first part was the longest on time and on distance, and the second was full of emotions. We passed very well the first part – quickly, reliably, surely – and ten kilometers to the finish we got to the situation unusual for routes of Morocco. Between two dunes there was a big puddle and I decided that I will be able to pass it. It did not happen. The puddle was insidious. We lost about 20 minutes, and it was a great luck because if Anton didn't drive behind, we would meet the New Year in the same place. Valuable experience, of course. It was necessary to back away and to choose other path of motion. Anton pulled us out not really quickly, we used few tow ropes, and put the car in the next dune in order the slope helps to move. "
Robert Amatych, navigator of the crew 401: "We drove fast today, took into account the experience of the previous day, at some point strayed, but quickly found a mistake. We caught Tomecek and Kovacs in the sands. The pace was very good. There was a breakdown- radiator pipe of power steering was damaged, oil was gone, we started to have problems with steering then we stopped, repaired and moved on. We managed again to catch up and overtake the crew 400. Caught up with ours, pulled out them, and moved on. It is necessary to get used to signs of the legends there, because organizers put a slightly different sense in it. For example, if there is a designation "pit" for us with our usual experience is almost imperceptible change of the surface, but here even the most insignificant "pits" have not to be taken without attention, we have to be very careful. So we need to get used to, to adapt, it is a good thing because it teaches us to appreciate and feel the diversity, to understand that different people can estimate the same thing in their own way. "
That's the way the last day of 2014 passed. Now it was already dark, the organizers still did not adjust a connection, but in our tent there is already New Year's tree and a gala dinner. Planned work is in full swing, journalists are joining the party. All will gather soon and celebrate the New Year at first by Russian time, then by local. We got the information on changes of the third stage without explanations, but with a photo of the opening group which got stuck on the route.
Happy New Year! Especially happy New Year to fans who follow the race, wait for news, without paying attention to late time and to holiday troubles, worry, support in difficult situations, send greetings in all possible ways. I think that it is true love.
We know you are all different, you live in different cities and even countries. But your support is material, it gives us forces, doesn't allow to appear despondency, irritation, stupid fatigue. Among you there are our friends, nears and dears, parents, children and absolutely strangers. And it is so easy to imagine how people in the snow-covered house decorated for the New year don't sit down to a table, but are waiting for news from those who on way in front of the screen of the computer, exchange words, update tracking, worry and rejoice. So far! We aren't with you at a New Year's table, but we love you, always we think of you, we dream how we will meet.